1st Annual Southwest Paranormal Ghost Conference Pictures
On April 12,13 &14th of 2002 The Yuma Spirit Hunters and the MVD Ghostchasers hosted the 1st annual Paranormal Ghost Conference in Yuma Arizona. The conference was great fun and we are already looking forward to next year.
Fate was not with us though as far as pictures were concerned. Susie of Spirithunter.net had taken about 200 photos of the conference but they were lost in cyber space when they were unloaded onto our computer. Rick and Lisa of Yuma Spirit Hunters had taken their pictures of the conference and unloaded them on their lap top and the lap top was stolen after the conference.
So here are the pictures I have collected thank you to the MVD Ghostchasers (for not loosing their pictures) and to any one else who contributed.
If you have pictures of the Conference that you would like posted please send them to Don or Debe and Don will get them posted.

Friday morning April 12th Debe and Nancy on the radio 100.9 The Jet talking about the conference

Friday Night An Impromptu Meeting and Dinner At Lutes Casino On Main Street

After a Wonderful Dinner A Historic Tour Of Old Yuma

Saturday Morning A Ghost Photography Workshop Presented By Richard Burns Of Yuma Spirit Hunters
I have no pictures of this event if you happen to have some please send them to me. Saturday Afternoon A Picnic Cooked By MVD Ghostchasers Members Gary And Stu And Featuring Guest Speaker Kriss Stephens from MTV's FEAR

Saturday Night A Ghost Hunt At Tumco CA. Ghost Town Townsite.

Sunday Morning A Farewell Gathering With Guest Speaker Melanie Ann Foshee