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Here we are doing "An Addams Family Christmas" in the Douglas Xmas Electric Light Parade. We enter almost every year!!
The MVD Ghost chasers dressed as their heroes "The Addams Family" won the best group costume contest in Rawhide on 10-28-00!!!!! Their prize was $1000!!!!!! Sooooooooooooooo
"Gather with your shawl on.
A broomstick you can crawl on
We're gonna make a call on
Stu as Uncle Fester, Shiela as Wednesday, Gary as Gomez, Peggy as Morticia, B.J. as Pugsley, Steve as Lurch, Steph as Ophelia, Nancy as Grandmama, Debe as Cousin Itt, and featuring Thing as Himself.
We won the big $1000 Prize!!!

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