JANUARY 28, 2006

A line of ghost hunters formed at the entrance of the Old Gila County Jail ready for “booking” and “finger printing” to start their evening’s sentence at the facility. Everyone signed in leaving his or her thumbprint on a poster—a memento of our paranormal investigation of the jail.

The investigators were invited to select a cell to store their camera and equipment for the evening. It was very cold so the “inmates” brought chairs, sleeping bags, blankets and heavy jackets and other items to keep warm. Our head warden—Globe Historian, Kip Culver—informed us we would be allowed to investigate until 3am. He broke the investigators up into two groups. He gave a very informative tour of the Gila County Jail, the old Gila County Courthouse and showed us some haunted spots on the streets of Globe as well.

Channel 3 came to the location to film a story for their “The Unexplained” segment of the news. Scott Davis interviewed several of the ghost hunters as they demonstrated ghost-hunting equipment. He also spoke with several of the “inmates” in their cells as they expressed psychic impressions they were receiving from deep inside the cement walls and steel bars.
A group “mug shot” of the workshop guests was taken on the steps of the old courthouse before they were confined back to the cells for the evening. Everyone found a spot to investigate and spread throughout the three floors to set up their own equipment and cameras. The MVD Ghostchasers kept base in the front offices and provided the group with hot coffee, cocoa, soup and a brown paper bag snack!

Our other special guest was renowned paranormal investigator Kriss Stephens. Together with tech adviser Mark Christoph, they set up night vision cameras in several spots and monitored the screens for activity. Kriss was on hand to answer paranormal technique questions and chat about ghostly phenomena. She later demonstrated her automatic writing abilities as we tried to contact the spirits of Kingsley Olds and the young girls he had been accused of murdering in 1911. As Olds awaited trial in isolation, he was mysteriously shot and killed. A bullet was fired from a courthouse window into his cell. Kingsley himself had visions of ghosts as he was confined. He told nurses he saw visions of the girls motioning him to follow them into death.
There were a lot of spirits captured on film during this investigation along with several EVP’s. The cold, damp evening soon got the best of everybody. One by one the investigators used their “get out of jail free” card, packed up their equipment and “bailed out” for home. The last of the “parolees” left at 2:30am. Kip Culver and Debe secured the building for the evening leaving the ghostly inmates secure in their cells.
1. Scream (by Mark Christoph)
globescreemfiltered.wav 1.13 MB (1,187,840 bytes)
2 Let me outta Here (by Kim Mann)
lemeouttahere_globe.wav 488 KB (499,712 bytes)
3 Hi fellas (by Sybyl Walker)
globejail2evpsybyl walker.wav 92.0 KB (94,208 bytes)